Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 12 in Uruguay: My Comps Last Week


Hola !


We had a district meeting and we dressed my companion up for his funeral because he is going home in a week. It was pretty funny! We played the game signs and played on these really old swings for like 30 minutes. Gotta love being a kid again! In Uruguay, they have Halloween but they don’t really celebrate it. The stores close early and they try to have parties for the kids because it’s too dangerous in the streets. The cops go home or don’t work because it is too dangerous for them on this day. My companion was sick again and I was going a little stir crazy so I made cookies, cake and pancakes . I cooked all day! Lol I made a cake with a layer of chocolate icing in the middle, not bad! My pancakes turned more into tortillas haha. We finally got a DVD player and it only played half the screen haha. Of course it was a church movie so don’t worry everyone.
On Wednesday, I cleaned for more than an hour in the kitchen. After, we had such a spiritual lesson with Veronica. She has a goal to be married in the temple. That night we taught Nicolas. He has a baptismal date for the 25th. He is so amazing and asked so many questions that I was able to answer. The spirit helped me out on that one! He is growing marijuana though. Everyone here smokes, hopefully I won’t die from second hand smoke haha. We taught Daniel who drinks a lot and has suffered so much in his life. He has a dog and feeds it more than himself. He is so funny and he lives in the smallest house. It is probably the size of an office and it’s covered in mold. He is amazing though and so happy! I can’t wait to tell you all the stories here.

We got our house inspected to make sure it was clean. The workers called and said they were coming in 15 minutes. I have never seen the house get cleaned so fast!  Note to self, 15 minutes is all you need haha. Well, I have been reading in 3Nephi 11-12 and it is so amazing. It talks about giving your light to people. We all need to do something to give our light to people in need. Ask yourself, did you do something to help change someone’s life today? A member who was supposed to give us food called and said she couldn’t give us any. The Lord works in miraculous ways because the workers brought us food out of nowhere. Such a tender mercy! Honestly we can all look for tender mercies in our lives. We experience them everyday. All we have to do is open our eyes. Today was like a mini hurricane; we weren’t allowed to leave our house. We lost power and it was crazy.  Its times like this I think about service and what we can do to help someone.
We taught Michael and Annabelle such a fun lesson. Words can’t describe the people here, I just love them. We met this guy from Japan and he spoke English. We met him at the airport and helped him on the bus with us. I started talking to him about the Church and he goes what is your guy’s purpose here if the people already believe in Christ? I was like good question haha. I said well, the people here believe in the Virgin Mary also and have a routine prayer. I told him if you call a friend are you going to say the same thing to him.  I told him no you are going to have a conversation with him. I said it’s the same when praying; you are going to have a conversation with God. I asked if he wanted to know more about this book and he said I just flew 9 hours and I don’t believe in God.  He went off about how it is stupid how kids dream about going pro in sports. I was laughing so hard. He said it is better to study then work to play a sport.  I told him that I am planning on playing basketball and I am so thankful that my basketball is paying for my education. His son is learning 3 languages and is struggling with all three. He kept saying how he doesn’t understand why; he is thirteen and should be able to understand.

I had the worst lunch ever haha. The familia Lucedo made this food. I swear it was rotten. The bread was moldy and I think the pasta and mayo had expired, it was so bad. I ate cow stomach that is tradition to eat the stomach with all the grass and bugs in it. I almost lost it. I don’t know how I survive some of the food here. Blessed!  
So we were trying to found this one guy and these two old grandmas decided to help us look for him. They yelled at like 20 houses for us. It was the funniest thing ever. This one house looked at us then slammed the door. The grandmas started climbing the fence after her, so funny.  Fast Sundays are always so good.  I bore my testimony and my Spanish is getting better.  Well, I am an official resident of Uruguay. Let’s GO!!! On Monday we had an asado with familia Gopar. It was so fun and he has like 5 dogs. They told us how well Elder Bailey and I work together, how we have a unity that rubs off on them. It was so good to hear. Well, for the exciting news! I get a Brazilian companion on Wednesday. Pray for me haha, it’s going to be a lot of quiet nights until I learn Spanish completely. Read D&C 84:88 and 3Nephi 12: 14-16. Be the light to someone this week!

Elder Knelly

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