Sunday, July 15, 2018

Week 47 in Uruguay: "One Down One to Go"


One down one to go!

Tuesday - Wednesday
Tuesday we taught Fabiana! We painted on her wall the things she needs to start doing now. Super cool! After, I gave a blessing to Adriana. The spirit was so strong! What a privilege we have to be able to use and receive the blessings from the Priesthood.  Wednesday was district meeting; it was such a good meeting about the gospel. I am loving the role I have. Yes, I am 100% exhausted every night, but the feeling we get from simply helping others is amazing! We become more like Christ. We played futbol in honor of Uruguay “la Copa minisol” with a bunch of little kids.  It was awesome! After we ate lunch. This lady is super poor but loves us.  She makes us a lot of food, the best thing was she makes this dessert that I can’t eat lol. It’s so BAD!  I told her my comp loves it haha and he didn’t understand so he said “si” like yes haha so she gave him my half haha.

Thursday - Friday
Today, we studied in Alma 31 that we just need to pray with Faith. God will listen. It’s as simple as that! Well, we had a charla with Karina. She has been very unsure but we had the best charla ever with her.  We talked about the importance of baptism and we all bore our testimonies. The spirit was so strong! Karina was crying the whole time. She also accepted a date to be baptized. Friday, we had a conference just for the new missionaries, which was super good. After we taught Mirbelo y Juan! It was so good and my comp talked a lot more.  I bore my testimony about DyC 121:7-8. Juan asked me “why are you here?” I told him how this is one way I can try to pay my Savior back for all he did for me. I was crying, Juan was crying and the Spirit was amazing.   After, we went to Laurito’s and I burned a shirt for my 1 year!

Saturday - Sunday
Saturday was a super super cold day! We were soaked from head to toe but still smiling and laughing though haha. We played dominoes with Joaquin, his mom made us take off our socks because they were soaked haha. There’s nothing better than being barefoot on cement floors and a couple chickens running around. Well, we got home and I asked my companion for a blessing because my toes are destroyed again! There is nothing too small or insignificant for a blessing, always remember that. Sunday, we taught so many people. The streets were flooded so biking got wet and cold, but it was worth it. Always remember that someone is waiting for you every day, don’t be afraid to go find them.

Elder Knelly

Elder Trevin Knell
Misión Uruguay Montevideo
Dalmiro Costa 4635 Bis
C.P. 11400 Montevideo

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Trevin Knell Instagram: @trevinknell

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